The BE&ST exchange program - FZS

The BE&ST exchange program allows a semester-long study stay at a selected partner university, for which selected students receive a special financial contribution.


For the 2021/2022 academic year, the following institutions were included in the programme:

Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT, USA - total cost per semester approximately $8,000 (fees, meals, lodging, insurance) - The selection process has been completed

Millikin University, Illinois, USA - total cost per semester approximately $8,000 (fees, meals, lodging, insurance)


Each selected student will receive a grant of £200,000/semester, which will be paid in two waves - 75% after the signing of the Participation Contract before the study visit and 25% after the sending of the Certificate of Arrival, which will be validated upon arrival by the receiving institution.


Round 1 - submitting required documents via the Portal - at My Study - ) ECTS trips - ) Offer of trips - ) Millikin University:

  • Filled application including approval by faculty coordinator
  • Structured English-language curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter in English
  • English-language study results to date (issued by the study department; marked "Portfolio" in the ZČU Portal)


Round 2 - oral interview:

  • Demonstration of sufficient English language skills and motivation to exit and participate in the programme


The deadline for applications is 6 April 2021.

Selected candidates will then receive an invitation with an exact oral interview date.

What happens after the SELECTION PROCEDURE?

Selected students are nominated for the receiving institution, which is then invited to complete the Application Form. They are invited to sign a Participation Contract in IO before going on a study stay.

Each student will compile and submit in IO before leaving:

Each student, upon returning from the trip, shall submit in IO:
